Tag: Peace comes to you

  • Trip To Swansea In My Husband’s Motherland , Wales –Part 7

    Photograph and Artwork by Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts Ing’s “Peace Comes To You”Poem translated into Welsh By Mr. Hywel Lewis on October 9, 2017 Sent: 09 October 2017 19:38 From: Lewis, Hywel                                                      Subject: poem Pan fyddwch chi’n mwynhau diferion glaw, Ddaw heddwch i chi, Pan fyddwch chi’n clywed adar yn canu, Ddaw heddwch i chi, Pan welwch chi bysgod’n…

  • Trip To Swansea In My Husband’s Motherland , Wales – Part 6

    Photograph by Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts  Ing’s Peace Project Organized by Kelly, Stephanie and their four Children Kelly, Stephanie and their four Children, Lacey, Madison, Hallie, and Cleo were reciting Ing’s Peace poem, “Peace Come To You”, Swansea, Wales “Peace Comes To You” When you enjoy rain drops Peace comes to you When you hear birds sing…