President Barack H. Obama on Inauguration Day, Monday, January 21. 2013.
I want to take a look. I am not going to see this again.
Let me pause just for a minute
This too will pass
I will treasure this moment
Millions of you and more give me
This precious time
At this moment I want the clock to stop
The world turning no more
Just for a moment
Look at you for the last time
“I want to take a look”
“I am not going to see this again”
I gave you all I have
As I told you
I am going to do what I can for us all
But you!
All of you already give me great gifts
I will keep them in my heart for the rest of my life
My people!
I am yours!
And you are mine!
Together we make history
We sow together
For our future
And for the young ones
Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Monday, January 21, 9:21 pm
Disappearing In The Crowd
As I freeze
People walk by me
I look at the crowd
People come!
People who love And trust me
They yell to me
“I love you!”
I replied
“I love you back!”
At this moment
My tiredness is gone
Happiness fills me
Give me strength to fight
For them for the next four more years
“I want to take a look.”
“I am not going to see this again.”
All my love to you
My spirit is flying
I will long for you
Time to go
And I will disappear with you in the crowd
Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Sunday, January 27, 2013, 10:15 pm
Please think of them before you make decisions for the country.
Flash Backs
Walking on the beach
Each foot step on the sand
Millions of little particles spread out
As far as my eyes can see
Flash back to my important day
We were herded like cattle
Go here and there
To keep up with schedules of time
Let me pause!
Little heads of people
Waving little US flags
Just like the sand
On my Hawaiian beach
Let me look!
Millions of little particles spread out
As far as my eyes can see
Let me look for the last time
My multiple flash backs
Let me look at you
For the last time Mom
Let wake up for the reality
I have work to do
Four more years of work
Hope the work will give me
Good flash backs
Just like the sand on the beach
Millions people waving flags
And the last time I kissed my Mom
Ing-On vibulbhan-Watts, Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 2:00 pm
These poems express my feelings as if I put myself in his shoes. I might be misreading what President Barack Obama thinks. Forgive me for portraying his character, as actors emulate real life as their own.
Link to President Barack Obama Fired Up For President Obama page: