Torn US Flag and When Beauty Lasts

Ing’s poem,Torn US Flag 

Torn US Flag 

US flag on top of a pole

Moving with the wind

Waving, showing Stars and Stripes


For a moment carefully examined

The flag is ripping apart

A tug of war

Between Republicans and Democrats

Pulling, tearing each other down


No compromise

No attempt to keep country whole


Ripping, tearing away

For their own believes and interest

While outsiders await

To tear the flag to pieces


Ripping each other apart

Unity is gone

Compromise is gone

What is left?


Selling more guns and weapons

Killing each other as in Syria now 

Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Sunday, June 02, 2013, 2:14 pm

Ing’s poem, When Beauty Lasts

When Beauty Lasts

Holding a pretty yellow rose in my hand

Sharing beauty with the world


Take time to cultivate

Appreciate when it lasts


Soon turning brown

Crumbing down

Right out of my hand 

Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Sunday, June 02, 2013, 4:18 pm

Link to Equality for All, You are Beautiful and Supermoon page: 

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