Ing & John’s Street Art – Part 3
Ing and John’s Street Art, Downtown Newark, New Jersey, USA- Part 3
Photographs by Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts

On Monday, August 28, 2019 John added his work to the display. John’s artwork is on the far left, “Impossible Dreamer”. “Gandhi Man of Peace”, in the middle is my artwork, which I produced in 2010. The far right is John’s artwork “Beneath the Lake”.

I am very happy to have an opportunity to display our artworks in public. There were people asking some questions about our artwork. Some people took pictures of our artwork. It seems to be a positive reaction from the people who view them. People comment about the beautiful plants and unique artwork.
Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts and John Watts, Tuesday, October 22, 2019