Peace Poem – Chinese Part 1

Ing’s Peace Poem “Peace Comes To You”  in the Chinese language, part 1

“Peace Comes To You” in the Chinese Language

Link to YouTube: 


Ing’s Peace Poem “Peace Comes To You” in the Chinese language                      (6.36 minutes)

When I sat down starting to do my artwork, I felt very happy and satisfied.  I let my brain dictate my hand.  My eyes focused on the artwork appearing.  My only concentration was on the artwork, producing, creating something that would please me.  In this state of mind I focused on only one thing, no wandering or distraction.  It was my state of meditation and peace. 

 When I look at Chinese paintings they make me think of the artists who created them and how happy they were while they were working on these paintings.  I love all kinds of artwork but I admire the Chinese painters brush strokes and how they used negative space to compose with solid forms to create perfect and harmonious compositions.

 I enjoyed producing this video, “Peace Comes To You”, in the Chinese language.  The Chinese art work and the photographic scenes captivated me, and the beautiful tradition Chinese music made this production come alive.  I am thankful for all the artists who’s work I utilized to convey my believe in Peace.

 Special thanks to Lin LiMei who translated my “Peace Comes To You” poem into the Chinese language and for her recitation of my poem in Chinese.  A very good friend, Pat Meidel, Jason Howard, the great actor, and Tashia Hall, a lovely lady, and a very good mother, were kind enough to recite my poem in English.

 One can achieve any goal but it is such a lonely process.   If more people come together we can achieve great things that lead to harmony and peace in society.

Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Thursday, January 18, 2013 







Link to Chinese Part 2 page: 

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