Aztec Dance

Native Indian Dance

Let me fly in the air

As free as a bird

As she’s twirling her body

Of her native dance

Her spirit is floating

With happiness and peace

Let my people be as

Free as I am now!

Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Wednesday, January 4, 2012, 5:18 pm

Dancing with the Past

Remembering the past

Dancing for the ancestors

We fought, we fought

And we still do

Oh my land!

My place is gone

Dancing for the past

Remembering you were here

 Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Sunday, January 15, 2012, 2:20 pm







  The Kalpulli Huehuetlahtolli Aztec Dancers were mesmerizing as they danced every step for their ancestors.  The viewers were as mesmerize as the dancers in a special and wonderful day of Creation Nation Art and Peace Parade in Washington Park, Newark, New Jersey.

It was a unique and wonderful sight to see very beautiful Aztec costumes and dance on a nice bright day on Sunday, October 23, 2011.  This was my first opportunity to view the dance.  People were circling to see the Kalpulli Huehuetlahtolli, Aztec Dancers performance reflecting the Danza tradition and the Mexica-Indigenous way of life in Washington Park.

“Kalpulli Huehuetlahtolli is a non-profit, community based organization funded through private donations. Grounded in our commitment to cultural pride, harmony and love, the mission of our Kalpulli is to preserve indigenous way of life as it has been passed down from ancient traditions of Mexico. We are committed to community outreach primarily in New York City and New Jersey, with an intention to provide presentations of Mexica (pronounced “me-shee-ka”) dance, native language workshops, art workshops and philosophical discussions to people of all ages and backgrounds. Ultimately, our mission is to improve the quality of the lives of people everywhere, through a balance between modern civilization and ancient ways.

On October 24, 2010, parents and members of the community who value Mexica culture, danza tradition and the Mexica-Indigenous way of life, founded our Kalpulli with a mission to preserve ancestral traditions of Mexico, as well as other indigenous ways of life.”

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