Newark Museum Arts Workshop & Ing’s Peace Project
Newark Museum Arts Workshop Open House
On Saturday, March 2, 2013, at 1-4 pm
Arts Workshop Programs for Adults 2013 Spring Series
Pottery: The Wheel-Thrown Vessel with John Watts Part 1
My Peace Project table was right next to John’s demonstration pottery table, so I had a chance to take photographs of John’s activities and his pottery. I enjoyed seeing the faces of people watching John making a piece of clay turn into amazing forms. I especially enjoyed seeing the young and innocent faces of the children that were fascinated with John’s magical hands. Some children probably saw pottery making for the first time. Some of the younger ones probably did not know what clay was as children who live in the city never see the real chickens, pigs or cows that they often consume in fried chicken, bacon and hamburger.
I am glad that we adults have a chance to educate younger and older children to learn and understand where things come from and how hard it is to create them. We only see them when they become merchandise appearing in shops or supermarkets. By educating people, especially the young, hopefully they will learn to appreciate things they consume instead of take things for granted. Without knowledge they will not appreciate the value of the goods that they consume in their lives.
Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Friday, March 22, 2013
Link to Pottery: The Wheel-Thrown Vessel With John Watts Part 2 page: