Supermoon and World Trade Center

Supermoon and World Trade Center

By the Hudson River, Jersey City, New Jersey

 On Saturday, August 9th, 2014

Supermoon and the Evening Sun

 We came to see

The sun and the Supermoon

By the Hudson River

On the Jersey City peer

Opposite to the World Trade Center

The sun blazes in the late evening

Turning buildings to gold

The faint moon in the sky

Behind the New York City

River bank buildings

The sunset is as pretty

As the Supermoon

As the sun leaves

The Supermoon rises radiantly in the sky

The sky is changing

From brightness to darkness

Time to sleep

Resting for the next day

Humans move on

As the sun and the moon

Turn day to night

Through the seasons

Life goes on

Our youth is shrinking

Old age is moving in

But the sun still shines

By the day

The moon rises at night

Time is valuable

For us humans

Life is precious

For us humans

Life is short

For us humans

Enjoy your time on earth

Watch nature

That nurtures us

There is no time to fight

No more war

Or killing each other

Let us enjoy each other

No matter who we are

Diversity makes us rich

And interesting

Please try to get along

Celebrate life

While we enjoy

The moon and the sun

Tell the young

Once the moon was so large

We called it the Supermoon

Supermoon will come again

In twenty point three years

Some of us will be gone

Then will be your turn

To enjoy

When the Supermoon

Comes again

Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Sunday, August 10, 2014, 12:29 pm

Link for more pictures and information on World Trade Center:

Link for more pictures and information on Supermoon:

Link for Ing’s video on YouTube “Supermoon”: (3:34 minutes)

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