Tuesday, November 6, 2018
From Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts’s Google+ Community
The content of this post came from my Google+ site. I am thankful and appreciative of people who posted beautiful photographs and useful information in my community that I shared on my Google+ site. I decided to post the content from my Google+ site on the Blog page of my website, because the Google+ office had declared that the Google+ operation will be closed by August 2019. I am sorry it is happening because I just started to enjoy the fruitful contents posted by my community.
It has such a variety of knowledge, for example, Dirk Schonfeld posted, Street Art, from all over the world and he provides the information about the artwork that gives more meaning to the pictures in the posts. By doing so the viewers become students learning the different techniques and expressions from different countries. The people who posted their content then become teachers, providing knowledge to all the viewers.
Ing’s Peace Project at Salon Creative Lounge, New York City
April 1 – 8, 2012
What does “Peace” mean to you? Comments
Organized by Heidi Russell
Finished artwork by Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts
For more information please visit the following link:
Salon Creative Lounge, NYC | IngPeaceProject.com
TED Talks: We need a more considered approach to using social media for social justice, says writer and activist Ione Wells. After she was the victim of an assault in London, Wells published a letter to her attacker in a student newspaper that went viral and sparked the #NotGuilty campaign against sexual violence and victim-blaming. In this moving talk, she describes how sharing her personal story gave hope to others and delivers a powerful message against the culture of online shaming.
This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page.
About the speaker
For more information please visit the following link: https://www.ted.com/talks/ione_wells_how_we_talk_about_sexual_assault_online
TED Talks: Domestic violence and sexual abuse are often called “women’s issues.” But in this bold, blunt talk, Jackson Katz points out that these are intrinsically men’s issues — and shows how these violent behaviors are tied to definitions of manhood. A clarion call for us all — women and men — to call out unacceptable behavior and be leaders of change.
This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxFiDiWomen, an independent event. TED’s editors chose to feature it for you.
About the speaker
Jackson Katz · Anti-sexism educator
For more information please visit the following link:
Cyberdyne build robots and exoskeletons – BBC Click
Published on Oct 29, 2018
Click visits the Cyberdyne company in Japan, who are manufacturing HAL (Hybrid Assisted Limb) exoskeleton’s. Subscribe HERE https://bit.ly/1uNQEWR Find us online at www.bbc.com/click Twitter: @bbcclick Facebook: www.facebook.com/BBCClick Category Science & Technology
For more information please visit the following link:
Japan’s robot revolution – BBC Click
Published on Oct 29, 2018
Click is in Japan discovering the next-gen technologies that are augmenting humans. There are robot legs, robot backpacks and even cars that can read your brainwaves. Subscribe HERE https://bit.ly/1uNQEWR Find us online at www.bbc.com/click Twitter: @bbcclick Facebook: www.facebook.com/BBCClick Category Science & Technology
For more information please visit the following link:
A Tour of Petra: One of the Most Amazing Places in the World
Gabriel Traveler Published on Jan 26, 2018
Exploring the incredible ancient city of Petra, Jordan. NEED GEAR FOR YOUR TRAVELS? Visit Gabriel’s Amazon e-store for ideas: https://www.amazon.com/shop/gabrieltr… PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP? “Gabe’s Guide to Budget Travel” is a travel guidebook that’s packed with practical travel info. For more info CLICK HERE: https://amzn.to/2hRlQFi “Following My Thumb”, Gabriel’s book of adventure travel stories: https://amzn.to/2EaWk7Q More books by Gabriel Morris: https://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris… Support Gabriel’s videos on Patreon:
For more information please visit the following link:
Originally shared by Sally Elmakawi
Amazing Autumn streets of Amsterdam ? The trees are so cool ?
plus.google.com Originally shared by knikita hensley Yup
plus.google.com knikita hensley – Google+
Originally shared by Tabassum Nisha #I??Nature +Tabassum Nisha
stylenrich.com Originally shared by StylEnrich
Best #SciaticaExercises That Will Give You Immediate Relief!
Our body consists of several nerves and the sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. Due to our modern and unhealthy lifestyle, the spinal cord starts degenerating which in turn pushes the sciatic nerve. The compression of the nerve causes severe pain in the hip, legs and back. This is known as sciatic pain or sciatica.
There are several simple stretching exercises which can provide you immediate relief from sciatic nerve pain. Read on – https://stylenrich.com/best-sciatica-exercises/
Sciatica Exercises That Will Give You Immediate Relief
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Jesse Owens crosses the finish line in Berlin to win the 100-meter sprint August 3 1936
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Kalabas in my garden today..17 / 9 / 2016..Vordingborg, Danmark
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Originally shared by Cristian Nevola Moments by CrisVola.com
Originally shared by Maria Teresita Sardi
Originally shared by Selma Martins
Originally shared by Maria Teresita Sardi
Originally shared by jandira jansen
Originally shared by Maria Teresita Sardi
Scenary – Science – Street Art Plus More – part 3 Tuesday, November 6, 2018
From Ing-On Vibulbhan’s Google+ Community
Anand Sarnkar, Fatima Sheikh posted Science and other subjects, Danie van der Merwe posted, Green Tech and Environment, Greg Batmary Renewable Energy, Wasim Muklashy posted, Future Is Pretty Rad, Health and Wellness posted, Herbal Medicine, Neuroscience News, Medical News Today, NASA, and others posted about space tecnology. Viktor Elizarov posted photography subjects, Trey Ratcliff posted photographs from his travels, Michael Turtle posted photographs – Place that make you go WOW!, Candy Javier Sakai posted her photographs from Japan, Emily Moor posted Nutrition Basics, Terry McNeil posted food, funny subjects and others, Jean-Valentine Grigoras posted unusuael subjects, Manuel Caycedo posted Native American subjects, Birds of India- Bird World, and BackintheUSA posted Vintage American Images.
I contributed some of the posts of my Peace Project work, TED Talk, BBC News, and some of the technology programs on BBC Click, National Geographic, and, YouTube videos on different subjects.
Emma Elenusz posted My Country Romania and Others, Nick Mare, Malgorzata M., and from the, Wonders, site, Mohamed Saad, Jennny Loveva, Danne Wells, VNY, Peter H, Pradeep Shah, Elena “Ely” Roncoroni, Sally Elmakawi, Almas Ahmad, and a lot more people posted extra ordinary scenary from different countries, and adorable pictures of children and animals, especially cats and dogs. One of my favorite categories is, beautiful birds and gardens.
Johnny Stork and Ye Chen’s Blog post Philosophy comments, I also shared the posts of , Provocative Ideas, from Todd William’s site.
I apologize for those people whose names I did not mention, all of us contribute time and energy to make our community richer in a lots of ways.
I admire people who spend their time collecting all this information and pictures to post on the Google+ project. Everything comes and goes as time dictates, including us, humans. What remains is evidence of hard work that becomes history to record for future generations to understand and learn from our present generation.
Thanks to Google+ while it lasts. I am glad to know people from this country, USA, and other countries around the world through Google+. Hopefully we all will go on to operate our own websites, like mine, or go on to other new collective websites. We will not stop just because Google+ closes their operation. I hope we all will continue to do work in different ventures and find more enjoyable ways to contribute knowledge to society as a whole.
Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Newark, New Jersey, USA
Website: www.ingpeaceproject.com Email: ingpeaceproject@gmail.com
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