McCarter Highway Murals, Newark, NJ & Kai in the Park
McCarter Highway Murals, Newark, New Jersey on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 And Ing took her Grandson Kai to the Park on Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Photograph by Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts

Kai is shopping at Whole Food Super Market.

Human Behavior in Military Park

Kai was biking along the walk way around the playground to search for kids to play with.

Kai was biking a little faster when he saw some kids on the bench far away.

Kai was passing by a young man.

Kai was glad to see two kids and a man sitting on a bench.

He had to bike harder against the wind while a lady walked by his side.

Kai came up to the two kids he saw from far away.

He passed the two kids and a man.

Kai found an empty bench and parked his bike near the two kids. “Grandma can I have the ball. I would like to ask those kids if they would like to play ball with me.” Kai asked me for his ball that we brought with us. Kai walked toward the two kids and the man on the bench. Then I saw the man get up and walk away, followed by the two kids. I was not sure that Kai even had a chance to ask them.

I was sad to see the disappointed look on Kai’s face.

I told kai that there are some kids playing at the other end of playground. They might like you to play with them. Kai did not hesitate, he marched to the group of kids with his blue ball.

Kai found a young boy to play ball with him.

Kai joined in playing with the other kids.

Bubbles were floating in the air!!!

Kai was talking to a girl.

The young boy returned Kai’s ball and he said, “I like you.”

Kai helped the girl to ride on his bike.

The girl probably said, thanks, or goodbye to Kai.
As a grandmother who love her grandson, I am delighted that Kai had friends to play with and even happier to see Kai’s generosity toward others. It is easier to raise a child to be physically healthy by giving the best healthy food to the child. It is important to nurture a child to be mentally aware and kind. However, sometimes it come from the person’s inner being. In some cases, even though the parents or people around the child show or teach the child to be good, we still have bad people in our society. If these bad people happen to be in high positions in the country, then trouble will come to a lot of people or even it will affect the whole wide world.
Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Sunday, May 12, 2019
🙂 Happy Mother’s Day Mali 🙂
Love, Mom and Dad Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts
May 12, 2019, 9:41 PM
Happy Mother’s Day Mali Love, Mom and Dad Mali
May 12, 2019, 11:15 PM
To Ing-On
Thanks Mom, I like your story a lot I felt so sad for Kai in those pictures Good thing you were there to help him move on. Thank you.
Love, Mali
Mali From: Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2019 9:41 PM To: Mali
Subject: Happy Mother’s Day Mali Love, Mom and Dad
To Mali
I am glad you like it. Kai is very smart and generous kid. He is very lucky to have you and Jim as his parents, including two sets of grandparents, aunt, and cousins. I will talk to you tomorrow.
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