Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Photographs by Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts

I took my grandson, Kai to Washington Park for his outdoor activity on Wednesday, September 11, 2019. I thought Kai was eager to see his little friend, named London that he played with last time. We did not see her, but we saw a music band performing at one end of the park. I suggested to kai that we go to the Library because she might be there, and if not, we can come back to the park because she might be here later. Kai agreed, and we walked to the library which took about five minutes. We stayed in the children room of library for an hour or so, then kai and I headed back to the park.

Kai and I walked past the music band that was still performing.

We saw the Ballantine House and Newark Museum on Washington Street, opposite the park.

The musicians had stopped playing, and were ready to end their performance for the day.

Kai was searching for his little friend, London. He carried his blue ball intending to play with her.

He saw her little body standing behind the red bush. He ran as fast as he could to meet her.

She seemed to be as eager to see Kai as Kai was to see her.

Kai played ball with London.

London and Kai enjoyed playing football together. London was so glad to see us as she told us about what was she doing before we arrived.

Kai was teasing London by stealing the ball from her hand and letting London chasing him.

He sat on the ball so that London could not get the ball. I told London “Take the ball out from the back of Kai!” So, London tried to pull the ball out.

Kai still teasing London. Then London said nicely to Kai “May I have the ball?”

Kai tossed the ball so that London could run and get it. Then Kai went to played with the pole.

London tossed the ball up high and Kai tried to catch it.

Little London showed her cleaver foot work with the ball like an experienced athlete.

“Grandma look at this!”, Kai said to me loudly. He knows that Grandma loves Butterflies.

They both enjoyed playing with the poles.

Kai and London ran to the lady who brought her dog to walk in the park. She was nice enough to let the kids play with the little cute dog.

Kai and London had a good time playing and jumping between the round seating stands.

Kai showed me the artwork at the base of the pole.

London went to the other pole and showed me the bird design.

Kai and London were having very good time playing with each other.

They ran to under the tree and tried to catch the lower leaves.

Then they played hide and seek.

They played and ran all over the park until they both fell down on the grass.

Now they found some wood and played with the dusty earth.

Kai used a twig to write his name.

Kai tried to exchange his sticks with London’s piece of wood and a brick. Kai took London things without her agreeing. I told Kai to return London’s belongings.

I gave Kai a little book that I brought with me for Kai to read to London. Kai gave the book to London to see and then he took it back. He went to sit at the base of the tree and looked at the book by himself.

Kai and London went to see the line of students that came out of the North Star Academy Charter school of Newark, located opposite one end of the park.

I told Kai that we had to leave because Mommy will come to pick you up soon. We walked London back to where her mother and family were sitting. They seemed to be sad to say good bye.

After we left London, Kai asked me to go back. He said he want to say something to London. I took Kai back to see London again. Then Kai and I walked back home. While we were walking, I asked Kai “What did you say to London?” Kai said I forget to tell her, “Thank you for playing with me. I really had a good time.”
I also felt a bit sad that I had to take Kai away. They had a very good time and got along with each other quite well. This occasion reminded me of when I was young playing with my sisters. Everything seemed to be bright and nice, with no worries and nothing to be afraid of, as the world happily belonged to us. We did not know much how our parents or other adults had to go though in their lives to survive day by day. This innocence and ignorance of the future gave us a simple happiness that I long for once again.
Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, Saturday, November 2, 2019

North Star Academy Charter school of Newark, New Jersey

Some more of Kai and London’s photographs that I took the previous days.

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