Ing Peace Project Blog Posts March 2, 2012 to December 30, 2013

Ing Peace Project Blog Posts March 2, 2012 to December 30, 2013

On September 24, 2010, while having lunch, I thought about writing a simple poem that relates to my “Peace” artwork.  As I looked out the widow some small birds flew passed landing on the butterfly bush in our little backyard garden. In this quiet moment with nature the poem came to me. I quickly wrote it down and showed it to my husband.  He enjoyed the poem and helped me correct some of the writing. Since then I have shown my poem to our customers and friends. They all seem to like the message of my poem. The “Peace” poem is below:

When you enjoy rain drops,
“Peace” comes to you,
When you hear birds sing,
“Peace” comes to you,
When you see fish swim in clean water,
“Peace” comes to you’
When you hear children laugh,
“Peace” comes to you,
And when you hum while walking in the wood,
“Peace” comes to you,
And when you sit quietly watching the sun rise and set,
Listening to the waves sing,
Then “Peace” comes to you,
Let “Peace” comes to you in different ways,
Let “Peace” be with us all.

Shadow of Peace & Ing’s Peace Poem, Yellow Rose

Shadow of “Peace”, yellow rose & Ing’s “Peace” poem in English
by Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts

Link to Ing Peace Project Blog Post on March 2, 2012

Ing Peace Project Blog Posts October 16, 2013

The Daily News “House of Turds”

The Daily News “House of Turds”

The Daily News front page said

“House of Turds”

Link to Ing Peace Project Blog Posts October 16, 2013

Ing Peace Project Blog Posts October 16, 2013

Ing Peace Project Blog Posts October 18, 2013

I saw about five Swallowtail Butterflies this year (2013).  Usually I saw only one or none in past years.  Several Swallowtail Butterflies lost one of their tails and some lost both of their tails.  I was lucky to see this Swallowtail Butterfly that I captured on my camcorder. It had two perfect tails but one wing was broken.  I imagine that this Swallowtail Butterfly probably came from far away and probably was very thirsty.  I am happy to be able to contribute my time cultivating my garden for butterflies and other animals enabling them to stop by and have some nutrition to nourish them along the way to their destination.

Link to Ing Peace Project Blog Posts October 18, 2013

Ing Peace Project Blog Posts October 18, 2013

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