Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The 2022 Audubon Photography Awards: The Top 100 Part1
The 2022 Audubon Photography Awards: The Top 100 Part1 Moments of delight and awe abound in this collection of standout bird photography. Scroll through and learn the story behind each shot. By The Editors Audubon Magazine July 13, 2022 Popular Stories The 2022 Audubon Photography Awards: The Top 100 The 2022 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners…
Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John, Grandson Kai, and Daddy Jim Part 5
Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John, Grandson Kai, and Daddy Jim Part 5 (Thai alphabet from letter #1 to letter #44) Sukhothai Historical Park and King Ram Khamhaeng Inscription Ing’s Artwork: Thai alphabet drawing by Grandpa John & Grandson Kai and King Ram Khumhaeng Inscription Ing’s Artwork: I combined, John, Kai, & Mali, with King…
Happy Father’s Day Everyone & Thai Alphabet Drawing by John & Kai Part 4
Happy Father’s Day Everyone & Thai Alphabet Drawing by John & Kai Part 4 Happy Father’s Day Everyone and Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John, and Grandson Kai, Part 4 Three Monkeys in the Jungle: Kai and Bodhi on Saturday, June 18, 2022, John’s drawing Thai letter # 36 and his sculpture in our garden…
Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John, and Grandson Kai, Part 3
Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John, and Grandson Kai, Part 3 Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John (77 years old), and Grandson Kai (4 years old), Part 3 (Thai alphabet from letter # 23 to letter #33) Organized by Grandma Ing (Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts) Technical Support by Mommy Mali, Daddy Jim and almost two months old…
Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John, and Grandson Kai, Part 2
Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John, and Grandson Kai, Part 2 Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John (77 years old), and Grandson Kai (4 years old), Part 2 (Thai alphabet from letter # 12 to letter #22) Organized by Grandma Ing Technical Support by Mommy Mali, Daddy Jim and almost two months old brother Bodhi,…
Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John and Grandson Kai, Part 1
Thai Alphabet Drawing by Grandpa John (77 years old), and Grandson Kai (4 years old), Part 1 (Thai alphabet from letter #1 to letter #11) Organized by Grandma Ing Technical Support by Mommy Mali, Daddy Jim and almost two months old brother Bodhi, started on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, Grandpa John and Grandson Kai communicated…
NASA, BBC News, Veritasium, Live Science, and Ocean Action News
NASA, BBC News, Veritasium, Live Science, and Ocean Action News May 15-16, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse: Shadow View Visualizations by Ernie Wright Released on March 24, 2022 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). The Moon moves right to left, passing through the penumbra and umbra, leaving in its wake an eclipse diagram with the times at various stages of the…
Happy Mother’s Day Everyone 2022, and Always
🙂 Happy Mother’s Day Everyone 2022, and Always 🙂 Kai’s drawing of his mother, Mali’s portrait, Saturday, 12, 11, 2021 This is his mother laughing, hea, hea, hea, ——— after she saw her portrait by her son, Kai. Kai’s drawing, he got some idea for the baby dinosaur inside the mother dinosaur, by seeing his…
JPL News-Month in Review, NASA -Climate Change, May 2022
JPL News-Month in Review, NASA-Climate Change, May 2022 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <jplnewsroom@jpl.nasa.gov> EARTH California Field Campaign Helping Scientists Protect Diverse Ecosystems Above Santa Barbara County, the Surface Biology and Geology High-Frequency Time Series, or SHIFT, campaign collects data to understand land and aquatic ecosystems. Read More EARTH. California Field Campaign Helping Scientists Protect Diverse Ecosystems…
Happy Earth Day Everyone, Let Us Have Peace on Earth
Happy Earth Day Everyone, Let Us Have Peace on Earth Photographs and Artwork by Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts This is my studio, where I display some of my artworks. Avocado plant, tangerine, mango and more plants, keep me company in the wintertime. Now the weather is getting warmer I will move my plants to our little garden…
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